Dr. Janet Price and Gregg Kaloust talk amongst themselves and with special guests about many facets of aging and how it feels to be Oldish in the 21st Century. Conversation, stories, facts, information, opinions, experiences.
Here are some great episodes to start with.
We who are Oldish are very much into pickleball as a way to stay active, fit, and connected. Many of our podcast's episodes have featured pickleball in one way or another, especially the episodes when we've had conversations with authors who have pu…
When we started planning Oldish, we talked quite a bit about what our approach would be, what our attitudes would be, and how we wanted to handle the questions. When we talked about what we had in mind we said more than once that we didn’t wan…
One of the most challenging parts of this podcast adventure is being able to tell whether we have an audience. If we were hosting these conversations in person, we could look out and see how many people were in the audience, and they could interact …