What we hope we didn’t say.
When we started planning Oldish, we talked quite a bit about what our approach would be, what our attitudes would be, and how we wanted to handle the questions. When we talked about what we had in mind we said more than once that we didn’t want to be prescriptive, we didn’t want to be the podcast that says do these five exercises every morning and live forever; didn’t want to be the podcast that said, change your diet and live forever; didn’t want be the podcast that said anything like any of those things.
But it occurs to me now after over a year of the podcast that we talk a lot about Pickleball, have talked quite a bit about Oldish sexuality, and we intend to talk more about them. We have a very exciting guest coming on with us in a few weeks to talk about Oldish sex, and in fact, in her opinion old sex, but what we don’t want to imply is that you must be having sex to be Oldish, you must be getting exercise to be Oldish, you must be playing pickle ball.
We are staying fairly close to our original intention of talking with people about how it feels to be Oldish: how does it feel to be in the stage of your life now where you have reached a certain age, but haven’t given up on having a good life. Maybe given up is kind of a prescriptive or judgmental term also, so I’ll try not to use that anymore.
But regardless of activities in which you might or might not participate, we hope that with enough conversations between the two of us, or with our guests, that cover a wide range of experiences, with any luck, you’ll find something that you can relate to and want more of. We do not intend to say you have to.
About Pickleball or not about Picklball, I enjoy talking with people. I enjoy making this podcast. I enjoy going for long walks. I enjoy hiking in the mountains. I enjoy kayaking. I enjoy lots of things. I enjoy sitting around watching television. I enjoy sitting still and reading. I enjoy possibly most of all sitting and having a conversation. Whether or not you tick any of those boxes, please feel free to join us as you are.