Oldish on Everest

In this week’s episode of Oldish Janet and Gregg talk with Chris Balch about trekking to Mt. Everest Base Camp to raise awareness and funds to find a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. How does it feel to be an aging adventurer?
For more information on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy visit Hope for Gus Foundation at https://hopeforgus.org. There is a link there to a documentary we made on that first trek.
You can get a couple ebooks Gregg published to support this podcast and Hope for Gus, as well as commemorative tee shirts and a replica of the flag we carried, at https://www.kannoncom.com
Connect with Janet at https://drjanetprice.com
Thanks to Mye Kaloustian for the music.
Connect with Janet at https://drjanetprice.com
You can email Gregg at gregg@kannoncom.com
Gregg wears Tyrol pickleball shoes, the only company that makes shoes just for pickleball. He has been wearing the same pair of Velocity V model shoes for almost a year, and he plays a lot! Click here to purchase Tyrol Pickleball shoes (note, if you purchase Tyrol pickleball shoes after clicking this link Oldish may receive a commission. Thanks for helping to support our podcast!)
Comments, suggestion, requests: oldish@kannoncom.com
Thanks to Mye Kaloustian for the music.